Flash Art #325 April – May 2019

COVER → Simone Fattal, cover image specially conceived for Flash Art, 2019. Collage. 230 x 260 mm. Courtesy of the artist.
ON VIEW → International exhibitions selected by ◯ Pierre Bal Blanc, Curator and essayist ◯ Marina Fokidis, Artistic director of Kunsthalle Athena and founder of South Magazine ◯ Quinn Latimer, Writer and poet ◯ Jane Panetta, Associate curator at the Whitney Museum, New York, and co-curator of the 2019 Whitney Biennial
FEATURES → ◯ All in all is all we are by Marina Fokidis ◯ Not an Additional Substance but the Body Feeling Itself An Interview with Ghislaine Leung by Jacob Korczynski ◯ Sex and the Panopticon A conversation between Shu Lea Cheang, Tess Edmonson, Paul B. Preciado by Tess Edmonson ◯ Figures of Speech Yto Barrada’s Grammars of Resistance by Peter Benson Miller ◯ A Telephone and a Maze Peter Halley’s Alchemical Abstractions by Elena Sorokina ◯ Peter Halley Interviewed by Michèle Cone. Originally published in Flash Art International Edition 126, February – March 1986 ◯ In the Light and the Darkness of the Self and the Other Simone Fattal by Ala Younis ◯ Alba (from “Wide Rime”) by Lisa Robertson ◯ Making it Together Laure Prouvost’s Earthbound Commons by Lillian Davies
REVIEWS → ◯ Ulrike Ottinger ◯ Elliott Jerome Brown Jr. ◯ Elif Saydam ◯ K.r.m. Mooney ◯ Tony Cokes ◯ Mark Rodriguez ◯ Lewis Hammond at Arcadia Missa, London ◯ Approaching Abstraction ◯ Kris Lemsalu ◯ Cady Noland ◯ Isa Genzken ◯ No Thing: Pope L., Adam Pendleton ◯ Ellen Gallagher with Edgard Cleijne: Liquid Intelligence ◯ Decolonizing Appearance at CAMP Center Art for Migration Politics, Copenhagen ◯ Lauren Luloff ◯ Shoplifter ◯ Naeem Mohaiemen ◯ Kochi-Muziris Biennale ◯ Ibrahim Mahama ◯ Mario García Torres