Following the success of the inaugural Global Design Graduate Show in 2020, ARTSTHREAD have, for the third year running, teamed up with GUCCI who, as in 2021, will be the exclusive partner for the Global Design Graduate Show 2022. The 2020 show was the first ever online showcase of the world’s leading emerging artists and designers and was created as a proactive response to the cancellation of end of year student exhibitions worldwide due to the current pandemic.
It has been ARTSTHREAD’s vision over the last 13 years to support the future generations of creative talent and by teaming up with Gucci for 2022, we will be able to offer students a chance to succeed in gaining employment or launching individual business during the continued unprecedented times.
The Global Design Graduate Show 2021 saw great success, with even more art and design students from across the globe submitting their final end of year projects onto the ARTSTHREAD digital platform than in 2020. Global Design Graduate Show 2021 stats: 5,211 entries in total to the online showcase, 114 nationalities, 417 high-education institutions took part worldwide, 500 entrants were shortlisted, 172,000 votes cast in the public vote, 120 high-profile judges from major organisations, media, events and brands, and 22,000,000 combined editorial and social reach.
Global Design Graduate Show 2022 is now open to all art and design students graduating in the Academic Year 2021-22 – i.e. November 2020 to August 2022 (undergraduate and postgraduate) in any related creative discipline, located anywhere in the world.
Students have until August 31, 2022 to upload their end of year projects onto the ARTSTHREAD platform. A team of independent judges will narrow the work down to a shortlist of creatives whose work will be displayed on the ARTSTHREAD platform. The jury will chose their winners and there will also be a public vote, which will allow the global audience to see the submissions whilst voting for their favourites.
As with 2021 and 2020, ARTSTHREAD will invite some of the most respected creatives from all 4 corners of the planet to choose their favourite designers & artists from the shortlist. A full list of judges will be revealed in due course with the winners’ work showcase online in October.