ON VIEW is a printed and an online section in which Flash Art invites prominent figures of the art world to select the best current and upcoming international cultural initiatives.

In this moment of self-isolation, Morgan Bassichis’s Instagram account provides us with the solace, humor, and beautiful honesty we need right now. Almost daily, Bassichis transmits (from the bedroom or window sill, and with great panache) a “quarentune,” a simple keyboard melody with lyrics that bravely disclose what we are all thinking but are too afraid to admit.
Radio Web MACBA
MACBA – Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona

Since 2006, Radio Web MACBA has been producing and disseminating some of the most critical and polyvocal conversations on art and contemporary culture. Early on, the online radio station embraced topics often too open-ended or experimental in form for the conventional galley talk. Self-reflectively, I’ve been enjoying listening to their vast archives and thinking more deeply about representation completely independent of the visual.
Yes No Wave Music
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Found by Woto Wibowo (Wok the Rock), Yes No Wave Music is a multi-genre label from Yogyakarta that includes Gabber Modus Operandi (recommended for mornings when corona-depression seeps in) and Dialita’s beautiful choral testimonials of the 1965 communist genocide in Indonesia. YNWM is always free and open to stream. Support them by purchasing merchandise from their shop. Additionally, if you have the means, consider the many global mutual aid networks springing up. The vulnerability of precarious labor in the arts is ever visible now; let’s make sure artists can sustainably keep on.