Call for Projects: Lemaniana, reflections on other scenes

October 5, 2020

A proposal by Andrea Bellini, with the participation of Stéphanie Moisdon, Jill Gasparina and Mohamed Almusibli.

The Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève is issuing a call for projects to all artists who either reside or originated in the greater Léman basin, regardless of their age, training, development or background, with a view to mounting an exhibition titled Lemaniana in February 2021, which will offer an unprecedented survey of the contemporary local art.

Lemaniana is based on a very loose interpretation of the territory: it covers artists born in the Léman basin, as well as those who were born elsewhere but either live in the region or are linked to it either permanently or temporarily.

The Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève wishes to transcend the common image of the art scene in the region, highlighting also those who, for different reasons, live and work on the margins of the system. The aim of this project is to go out and find them, and to gaze with interest – though without any predefined ideas – at the art produced today in the cross-border territory of the Léman basin. To achieve this, the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève does not intend to follow the standard routine of sending out invitations to selected artists, preferring to proceed without fixed rules or preset notions.

A curatorial committee of Andrea Bellini, Stéphanie Moisdon, Jill Gasparina and Mohamed Almusibli will select the most striking works from the applications received with the aim of creating a surprising and organic group exhibition that will present unexpected works that until today have been rarely available. They will be selected and presented as they are and will not be able to be (re)produced for the occasion.

A coherent exhibition design will then be created that will reflect the fact that there is not a single local scene but a number of different communities with different commitments and characteristics.

Artists and collectives wishing to take part in the project are invited to follow the procedure and to send their application file to before 2 December 2020.

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