ON VIEW is a printed and an online section in which Flash Art invites prominent figures of the art world to select the best current and upcoming international exhibitions.
Jakob Lena Knebl
“Walk on the Water”
Musée d’Art et d’Histoire
Through June 27, 2021

All museum collections should be curated by an artist from time to time. Just for the sake of decategorizing and decentering our representations, and in order to extend the potential agency of the artworks and objects. Don’t miss the mesmerizing work that artist Jakob Lena Knebl has done with the MAH collection, creating scripted settings in which the sight of each artifact becomes a fascinating encounter.
“Emma Kunz Cosmos: A Visionary in Dialogue with Contemporary Art”
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Through May 24, 2021

Celebrated for the past fifteen years, the diagrams drawn by the Swiss telepath and healer Emma Kunz (1892–1963) are extremely fascinating. These drawings of pure geometry, produced with the help of a pendulum for therapeutic purposes, are captivating and influential, as evidenced by the works they interact with in this group exhibition, which includes artists such as Dora Budor, Goshka Macuga, Shana Moulton, and Tabita Rezaire.
“Almusibli Panorama”
Centre d’Art Contemporain Geneva – 5th Floor

For the many people who are unable to travel these days, there is always the possibility of viewing from home the video works of young artists living in Switzerland, selected each month by the young Swiss-Yemeni artist and curator Mohamed Almusibli for the digital platform of the Centre d’Art Contemporain. The selection reflects the extraordinary diversity of these emerging artists and thwarts expectations of what the Swiss art scene should be.